I’ve decided I’ve already had my fill of the 2024 election.
I really don’t care who is elected President.
Sorry to be negative, but does anyone actually think it matters whose rump is in the chair behind the Resolute desk?
The Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (MICIMATT, coined by Ray McGovern) and a coterie of billionaires will be calling the shots, as always – with an apocalyptic foreign policy directed by Israel.
Yes, I know:
Drag-queen story hours.
The border.
Extreme MAGA.
Maintaining the “dignity” of the office.
Executive Orders – oh my!
Democracy itself!!
Or any of the other cultural, identity, or social issues that keep the electorate distracted from confronting the elites about their economic system that is daily crushing more and more of our citizens and destroying the middle class (what has been the stable bedrock of our society).
As Gore Vidal noted, It doesn’t actually make any difference whether the President is Republican or Democrat. The genius of the American ruling class is that it has been able to make the people think that they have had something to do with the electing of presidents for 200 years when they’ve had absolutely nothing to say about the candidates or the policies or the way the country is run.
Consider one issue neither candidate of the two major parties will even mention, as that would displease the ruling class (the owners): the national debt that just passed $35 trillion. (And likely neither may understand.)
Under current conditions – that can always get much worse, an inflation of 7% would be required to keep the debt “manageable” through currency depreciation, Perhaps it’s time to stock up on beer, corn flakes, toilet paper, or other necessities.
I don’t care who is in Congress.
They are all owned by someone – most by apartheid/genocidal Israel.
In a truly open society, they’d all be required to wear a driver’s racing suit with patches (patch size based on lobbyist money) for all those who control them. At least we’d see why they vote the way they do.
In most ways, they are us – the Parliament of Whores that P. J. O’Rourke wrote about in 1991.
And here’s the thing. It doesn’t really matter who I’d vote for anyway.
In Washington, as in most states, the results are readily predictable based on demographics and past election results. The Democratic candidate for President will win the popular vote in Washington (I assume it will be Harris unless Obama makes the call to replace her) ; the same for US Senator (Cantwell) and most state offices including governor (Ferguson). And to be fair, I think Ferguson could be a good governor.
For me and individuals in most states, voting has been and will be just an emotional pacifier.
The only exception will be for voters in some counties in a small number of “swing states”.
So, I’m not going to pay attention to politics. I will stay up on real economic issues, the Mideast and Ukraine – those are life and death issues for all of us.
Other than those issues, how will I spend my time? See Part II.