Tag: Ukraine
Good Riddance
I did not vote for either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. I wish our political system could produce real leaders, whatever their personal failings, as opposed to demagogues and political hacks. But unfortunately, we have presidents like Bill Clinton, George…
Uniform Whiskey
As events appear to be spinning out of control between NATO and Russia, fears of conflict are increasing. Perhaps at no time since the Cuban Missile Crisis has the prospect of nuclear war been as terrifyingly real. But there is…
The US Economy and The Russian Art of War
I have referred to Jacques Baud in the past. He is a former colonel of the Swiss General Staff and specialized in Eastern Europe. Mr Baud has just written a book, The Russian Art of War: How the West Led…
Interview with Jacques Baud
I had made mention of Jacques Baud in a previous post related to Ukraine. As I stated then, Mr. Baud is a former colonel in the Swiss General staff. He had worked in Swiss strategic intelligence, specializing in Eastern Europe;…
Follow Up on The Moron Thing
I had gotten a comment on my earlier post, and as it questioned opinion rather than an issue of fact, I thought it appropriate to respond in much more depth to a wider audience. It goes a good deal deeper…
Doing the Moron Thing on Ukraine…Thinking
Ukraine, a small Jeffersonian democracy that is led by a president who is a combination of Joan of Arc and Winston Churchill, is fighting an unprovoked invasion by Russia, its large cruel neighbor. Russia is ruled by an evil dictator…