Posted in Commentary and Reflections

A Change in Tide and Weather

The first of the autumn storms came through last week – temporarily dusting the Cascades and Olympics with a bit of snow. The changing weather pattern has also brought temperatures down in the lowlands – with the first frost expected…

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Posted in Fishing Locations Gear

Low Slack, Kelp, And Gear Review

I had been watching the tides for the last few days to determine when the best time for fishing would be. Generally, on this side of Puget Sound, an ebb tide is best on the beaches I fish. Without going…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections

Narrows Park – New Perspectives and Reminders

I hadn’t been down to Narrows Park since last October. The drive down to the park is through a winding forested road. At the bottom, the parking lot is to the left; in past years, that meant turning into the…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections Environmental

Minus Tide

Sometimes a morning on the beach is just about fishing, but sometimes it’s much more when you stop, look, and reflect. Today’s time on the beach was the second. This weekend’s new moon is contributing to spring tides this week…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections

A Reminder From the Smolts

There are a number of principles for fly fishing on Puget Sound for searun cutthroat trout. Two of the more basic principles are: fish only when there is moving water (meaning a good tidal exchange, i.e., “height”); and learn the…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections

The Disappearing Beach

The beach was disappearing. Not literally, of course;  it was only the incoming tide that rose and covered much of what had been a wide open beach a few hours earlier. I had come down to the beach for a…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections Environmental

Cool July Morning

The rest of the country, at least out West, is broiling with drought and wildfires – so why was I cold this morning? After dropping off our dog Henry for one of his twice-weekly play dates at Furry Farms doggie…

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Posted in Commentary and Reflections Fishing Locations

The Beach is Back

Well, to be honest…the beach never went anywhere. What’s back was me on the beach. Today, I finally got out to the beach to get my waders wet and cast my fly. It was the first time fly-fishing since last…

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Posted in Fishing Locations

Beach Fishing 101

When starting something new, one of the first questions to be considered is how to begin? The choice at the extremes comes down to plunging in or taking a class. In my case, I’ve always believed one can never know…

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