Posted in Fishing Locations Gear

Low Slack, Kelp, And Gear Review

I had been watching the tides for the last few days to determine when the best time for fishing would be. Generally, on this side of Puget Sound, an ebb tide is best on the beaches I fish. Without going…

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Posted in Gear General Comments

A Tatoo Remembrance and A Class Act

People get tattoos for any number of reasons, too many perhaps to articulate or even understand. As someone who has no tattoos and has no plan to get one, there is at least one purpose for a tattoo that I…

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Posted in Gear

Sage SALT Five-Weight Review

Most anglers looking for a fly rod for Puget Sound saltwater fishing typically start with a six-weight. The thinking is that it’s a good all-purpose line weight to handle most of the year’s fishing: from Sea Run Cutthroat Trout to…

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Posted in Industry News and Rumors

Sage and Rio To Sell Direct

I saw an article in Angling Trade yesterday that reported that Far Bank Enterprises will begin selling Sage and Rio products direct to consumers (Far Bank already offers its Redington brand direct). There was no press release referenced, and the…

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Posted in Gear

George Cook on Your First Spey Rod

Blake Merwin, owner of Gig Harbor Fly Shop, had a conversation with George Cook – the outstanding Pacific Northwest representative for Sage – about Spey rods. Any discussion about Spey rods and Spey casting can soon sound like a foreign…

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Posted in Technique and Tips

The Rod Breaking Blues

I came across an old post from the Sage Fly Fishing Blog on primary causes of fly rod breakage. As in most things, periodic reminders of the “safety rules” are worthwhile. Of course, most of it is common sense, but…

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Posted in Gear

The Alchemy of Fly Rods and Fly Lines: Rethinking the BIII-SX

I’ve been out in my backyard over the last few days to do some practice casting and continue my evaluation of a few fly lines. It’s been sunny and relatively warm (high 50s), something that’s not going to last, with…

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Posted in Industry News and Rumors

Orvis On Sale at Fishwest: Economies of Scale At Work

Fishwest is one of the biggest internet fly fishing retailers. For years, they have sold gear from all the big names (e.g., Patagonia, Simms, Sage, Winston, and many others). I had posted earlier (see here) about the economies of scale…

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