Tag: Puget Sound Fly Company
Puget Sound Fly Company – Announces Closing
There are a number of fly shops around Puget Sound – somewhat fewer than one might expect given the population of the area – but losing one is always a time of sadness. Today, Anil Srivastava, the owner of Puget…
Posted in General Comments
Puget Sound Fly Fishing Fair
One of the great things about fly-fishing is the amazing amount of information there is about fish, the fisheries, and casting. There is always something more to learn. Books, magazine articles, videos, and knowledgeable friends can provide a good deal…
Posted in Commentary and Reflections
A Shared Demo Day – Cooperation as a Model
Tom August 25, 2013
Walk into any fly shop, even one loaded with high-end gear, and you’re looking at a very small business. The industry itself is very small. Field and Stream’s Fly Talk blog (see link) reported last year that a study done for …