Tag: Narrows Park
The Starfish and The Crab
The first of the autumn storms is forecast to arrive in the Northwest this week. These storms typically bring in wind and rain in the lowlands, and snow in the mountains; and in most years, they mark the start of…
Narrows Park – New Perspectives and Reminders
I hadn’t been down to Narrows Park since last October. The drive down to the park is through a winding forested road. At the bottom, the parking lot is to the left; in past years, that meant turning into the…
It was a cool day (50F) on the beach. There were morning clouds with the sun starting to break through. A high tide had just occurred and the waters of Puget Sound were slowly, very slowly, moving into an ebb….
Hazy August Line Testing
August is not always the best month for beach fishing on Puget Sound. The kelp and seaweed in the waters along the beach and near the shore cling to fly lines and flies, meaning many casts fling green stuff into…